
If things can go wrong, then things can also go right.

Everyday is a second chance to make things right.

Do right things even when no one is watching.

Never judge someone without knowing the whole story. You may think you understand, but you don’t.

When you meet someone new, you unlock a new character for your dreams.

Mental exhaustion is more tiring than physical exhaustion.

If better things come to those who wait, then procrastination is a virtue.

Among us reality has taught us that it’s never enough just to be right, you have to be able to convince people that you’re actually right.

If we could ourselves through someone else’s eyes doing good deeds and see every smile we generate we would probably love ourselves more.

Overthinking is a painful reminder that you care too much, even when you shouldn’t.

Rarely do people want your advice, they want to feel validated and heard.

A reason becomes an excuse when it’s not good enough.

Saying “I understand” gets a lot better results than, “I know”.

Just because someone has it worse than you, doesn’t invalidate the

Stop second-guessing yourself. Stop doubting yourself. Stop coming up with bullshit excuses. You know what you need to do. You’re just too scared to do it. TRUST YOURSELF.

The only way to protect yourself from toxic behavior is to know your boundaries.

Self-love means taking care of yourself the same way you’d take care of someone you love.

“What you think about, you bring about.” The past is over but you’re going to keep reliving it if you keep thinking about it.

Self – love will heal you, empower you, restore you, and open up new worlds within you and all around you. Self – love is the key to your mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Every aspect of your life thrives when you love who you are and accept yourself. It all begins with you.

Happiness isn’t about getting what you want all the time. It’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it.

Don’t change who you are to become what someone else wants. You’ll lose what’s beautiful and unique about YOU. The right person will love you for you, no change required.

Turn problems into opportunities. Instead of being stuck on what happened, change your mindset to find solutions. Tell yourself that it’s going to be better. Once you decide to not be negative or pessimistic, answers show up. Trust the process. Stay positive. Keep smiling.

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Accept what is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be.

Having the courage to change, changes everything

Making the right decision doesn’t always feel easy. Sometimes it hurts like hell. Sometimes it’s incredibly uncomfortable. Sometimes it even means hurting someone you love. But when you know deep down in your gut that it’s not right, it’s time to take action.

Sometimes, you just can’t have what you want, but it doesn’t mean that you can never have it. Everything takes place at the right time.

Just because the past didn’t turn out like you wanted it to, doesn’t mean your future can’t be better than you ever imagined.

Getting everything perfect won’t shield you from criticism, so stop waiting for perfection. It doesn’t exist. It’s just another excuse you’re using to hold yourself back.

You’re not going to get what you want on your first try. Your dreams aren’t going to happen overnight. It might even take an entire decade. Every time you feel like you’re starting over again, just remember how far you’ve come.

No matter what happens in life, keep a good heart. A heart of trust and patience. Don’t let the darkness of some people harden your heart.

When something in your life ends, there are only two reasons to look back: to be GRATEFUL for all the lessons, experiences, and relationships you’ve gained and to be PROUD of how far you’ve come. Your future is forward and is full of endless possibilities.

You are not a failure, even when you’ve failed. It’s an event, not a personality trait. No matter how many times you fail, it will not define you unless you let it.

Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy. Focus on the things you do have, and the reasons you should be happy.

Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.

What we choose not to say is just as important as what we decide to say.

Now more than ever, be kind to everyone else but I’m here to remind you that you need to be kind to yourself too.

The way you talk to yourself is a pattern. All patterns work the same way: they play on repeat until they are replaced with something new.

Don’t give up just because things are hard.

No matter how hard it gets or how long it takes, don’t give up.

Always be thankful for the bad things in life. They open your eyes to see the good things you weren’t paying attention to before.

Love yourself. Know your worth. Accept growth. Appreciate life. These things will help you through any situation.

There’s always something good coming. Remember that.

Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.

The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. In every challenge encountered there is an opportunity for growth.

Be real, be yourself, be unique, be true, be honest, be humble, be happy.

Everyone wants happiness. No one wants pain. But you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.

Always end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things were, tomorrow’s a fresh opportunity to make it better.

What defines us is how strong we rise after falling.

Be proud of yourself for how far you have come, and never stop pushing to be the best you can be.

You can’t make the same mistake twice, the second time you make it, it’s a choice.

People love to talk about themselves to someone who is actively listening.

There is always something that is out of our control.

Sometimes it is not easy to understand.

Love is very fragile just like an antique piece, if you play with it, it breaks up but it is overwhelming at the same time.

Days are good, but they are also a contrast with many many many days that are a hint at what awaits us after this all too short and bitter life of ours.

Do you ever sit back and realize you are not anybody’s favourite person, you are just kinda there and then you get the sudden urge to distance yourself from eveyone and chill alone.

People often love the memory of someone or the idea of someone more than the actual someone.

How To Stop Overthinking

You’re missing out on what’s in front of you.

How many hours per day do you think?

“I never thought about that,” you’re probably saying. So let me get this straight: You’re thinking all the time, and yet you never consider how much time you spend thinking. That sounds like an addiction to me. I know, because I’m addicted to thinking, too.

Overthinking is a common problem, but when it gets out of hand it can lead to sleep disruption, “analysis paralysis,” and even threaten mental health. It’s also a difficult one to diagnose, let alone cure.

When I eat too much, I can say, “I’m overeating. I need to eat less.” When I work too much, I can say, “I’m getting burned out. I need to stop working.” When I drink too much, I can say, “I need to stop. I need a bottle of water.” But when I think too much, it’s not enough to just say “I’m overthinking.” I need a different approach to unclog my brain.

The problem is that most people don’t consider overthinking a problem. When someone criticizes overthinking, we often assume that the problem is dwelling upon or spiraling through negative thoughts. We tend to assume, by the same token, that positive thoughts are good. But it’s a mistake to assume all positive thoughts are good.

What most self-help advice says is to scrap the negative thoughts and double down on the positive thoughts. On the surface, this sounds like good advice. But the truth is that when you overuse your brain, for positive or negative, it can get clogged just like a drain. The result? Foggy thinking. Which leads to bad decision-making.

You are not your thoughts

Thinking isn’t considered a habit to curb because it’s so closely connected to our core identities. No one said it better than Marcus Aurelius in Meditations: “Our life is what our thoughts make it.”

What he’s saying is that our lives are shaped by the quality of our thoughts. I believe in that. However, most of us assume that we are our thoughts.

We say: “Well, I can’t help but think these things. That’s just me.” No, that’s not you. You can decide what thoughts to ignore. I like how Eckhart Tolle puts it in The Power Of Now: “The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not the possessing entity — the thinker.”

The only way to stop identifying yourself with your thoughts is to stop following through on all your thoughts. Instead, decide to live in the present moment — where you don’t have time to think, only to experience.

How do you live in the present moment?

Thinking is a tool. Instead of using that tool constantly during the 16 or 17 hours that you’re awake, pull it out to use it when you need it.

But how do you do that? Here’s the four-step process that can be used to stop overthinking:

  1. Raise your awareness throughout the day. Realize that too much thinking leads you away from your goals, not toward them.
  2. Start observing your thoughts. Every time you begin a thought, don’t follow through on it. Instead, simply notice that you started thinking. When you do that, your brain won’t get carried away.
  3. Limit your thinking to dedicated times. For example, when journaling or setting your daily priorities, sit down and really think. Give yourself a specific amount of time — say, 15 minutes. During those moments, it’s perfectly fine to follow through on your thoughts. What we’re trying to stop is the constant thinking.
  4. Enjoy your life. Let go of all your thoughts about yesterday and tomorrow. No matter how much you want to achieve in the future, and no matter how much you’ve suffered in the past, appreciate that you are alive now.

I’m not going to sit here and tell you to “enjoy doing the dishes.” That’s not my style. When I’m doing something I dislike, I’ve learned to just do it without judgment.

But when I’m doing something I actually like, no matter how big or small, I genuinely enjoy it. When I’m listening to music, watching a movie, or spending time with my family, and friends,  that’s when I’m in the moment.

I don’t think about my goals, failures, or things I have to do tomorrow. I’m just here. Right now. Just like the moment that you’re taking to read these words. When it’s gone, it’s gone forever. Realize that on a deeper level, and you’ll never even dare to leave the present.

Are you with me? Don’t think too much about it.

How are juices beneficial??

‘Souping’ is the new juicing!

This is about replacing your regular meal with soups that are packed with vegetable content that ensures you get adequate vitamins such as zinc and iron. It may not be able to completely do away with juicing, but it’s still a good stand-in. One of the biggest benefits of souping is that it gives you the fiber that is lost in the process of juicing. A soup cleanse aims to detox the body by giving it a break from excess sugar and other dietary evils.

Setting up a juice bar

  • Plenty of diced veggies and fruits like oranges, strawberries, apples, pears, blueberries, etc.
  • Have add-ons like honey, mint leaves, and brown sugar.
  • Place an array of interesting glasses, which adds fun to the serving.
  • Plenty of stirrers.
  • Keep accompanying bites like wheat cookies, low-fat flavored yogurt, salad, etc. in small plates and bowls.

* How do juices benefit you??

1) Watermelon (hydrating):- With the summer soon approaching, sip on watermelon juice – it’s 90% water.

2) Pineapple (infection fighter): – Pineapple juice has bromelain enzyme which prevents cough and cold.

3) Red grape juice (lowers blood pressure): – Drinking red grape juice daily helps lower blood pressure and cell damage.

4) Beetroot juice (helps digestion): – Beetroot has high fiber content and helps the functioning of the digestive tract.

5) Apple juice (liver cleanser): – Apples are alkaline and can effectively cleanse the liver.

6) Orange juice (vitamin C blast): – There’s nothing like orange juice to get a dose of vitamin C, which protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.


Your food choices each day affect your health — how you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future. Good nutrition is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases (like heart disease and cancer), and promote your overall health. Good nutrition is vital to good health, and disease prevention, and essential for the healthy growth and development of children and adolescents.

Good nutrition can help:

  • Reduce the risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some cancers, and osteoporosis
  • Reduce high blood pressure
  • Lower high cholesterol
  • Improve your well-being
  • Improve your ability to fight off illness
  • Improve your ability to recover from illness or injury
  • Increase your energy level.

Tips for eating well

Eat plenty of fruit – To get the benefit of the natural fiber in fruits, you should eat fruit whole rather than juices.

Eat plenty of vegetables – Eat a variety of colors and types of vegetables every day.

Eat plenty of whole grains – At least half of the cereals, bread, crackers, and pasta you eat should be made from whole grains.

Choose low-fat or fat-free milk – These provide calcium and vitamin D to help keep your bones strong.

* To get the energy you require, you need to get the proper amount of:

  • Protein is needed to maintain and rebuild tissues such as muscles.
  • Carbohydrate, which is the body’s preferred source of energy.
  • Fat, which also provides energy.
  • Water, to replace water lost through activity

Yoga and it’s benefits

Yoga is a science as well as art of living. It works when integrated into our daily life. It works on all aspects of people: the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual. The word yoga means ‘unity’ or ‘oneness’ and is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means ‘to join’.

Yoga is about getting to know yourself, integrating all aspects of ourselves, and putting ourselves in control of our minds. The beauty of yoga is that it is accessible to everyone, as the session can be adapted according to each person’s level of fitness or state of health. For those who love yoga, it becomes a way of life. Yoga is for everyone.

Yoga includes Asanas (body postures), Pranayama (control of vital energy through breath control), Kriyas (cleansing practices), Meditation, and relaxation to reduce stress and build self-confidence.

Yoga is good for your posture and structural balance. It promotes flexibility and suppleness, strength and stamina, tones the internal organs, improves concentration, teaches you how to breathe more effectively, facilitates relaxation, and calms the mind.

Yoga should not expect immediate results as yoga is a gradual, progressive process. However, some people may find instant benefits after their first session. Yoga is not a ‘cure all treatment’. It may be advisable to seek advice from your doctor before commencing a yoga class.

The world is thirsting

I’ve heard that people do not read as much today as they once did. Libraries don’t see as much traffic. Bookstores sell fewer volumes. Newspapers are struggling to sell subscriptions. I know folks who blithely admit that they haven’t read a book in years. We spend time that might be better used reading in the pursuit of other activities like playing computer games posting on Facebook or tweeting our thoughts. We feel as though we know more about what is happening in the world, but we rarely bother to read up on the facts behind the headlines. Our knowledge is often limited to the sound bites that we accept from our favorite politicians or celebrities. We believe without going into depth on any topic, we should learn the history and all of the background. We rush around and rely on others to keep us informed. We have incomplete pictures of the world because even with all of the global communication at our fingertips we still operate in tiny bubbles that rarely give us the big picture. We readily believe whatever lines up with our own thinking rather than challenging ourselves by seeking to delve more deeply.

In spite of the nonstop flurry of headlines and commentaries, our world is thirsting for knowledge and information. We are falling victim to propagandizing that is everywhere. Reading is the antidote for our malaise. Just as with exercise, the more we read the better our minds will be, particularly when we don’t limit ourselves to one point of view.

Acceptance = Positive Emotion.

When someone is doing something in a way I don’t want it to be done and I am not able to accept it, I become angry. However, when someone is doing something in a way I don’t want it to be done but I am able to accept it, I remain tolerant.

When I encounter uncertainty and I am not sure about how I am going to handle it, and I am not able to handle it – it causes fear in me. When I encounter uncertainty and I am not sure about how I am going to handle it, but I am able to accept it – I feel adventurous.

When someone has done something that has emotionally hurt me and I am not able to accept it, it develops hatred in me. When someone has done something that has emotionally hurt me but I am able to accept it, it helps me forgive them.

When someone is present in my thoughts but is not physically present and I am not able to accept it, I say ‘I am missing you’. When someone is present in my thoughts but is not physically present and I am able to accept it, I say ‘I am thinking of you’.

Thus by this, the emotional equation is quite simple….

Something + Acceptance = Positive Emotion

Something + Non- Acceptance = Negative


So, it is not ‘something’ or ‘someone’ who is making me feel positive or negative, but it is my ‘acceptance’ or ‘non- acceptance’ of something or someone that is making me feel positive or negative.

So, the next time I find myself disturbed by a negative emotion, instead of asking who or what is disturbing me, I will examine who or what I am resisting (not accepting). I will replace resistance (non-acceptance) with acceptance, and the negative emotion will turn into a positive one.

Emotional management begins by stopping to blame ‘something’ or ‘someone’ and starting to take the responsibility to respond to life with ‘acceptance’.

By – Harshi Makani

Types of people you and me will find at parties.

Hello guys…..wassup✋🏻 would like to discuss with you ‘Types of people found at parties“. So let’s begin.

1) The Clown:-

These are the types of people who are experts in cracking shitty and lame jokes. Literally, they are just found in each and every corner of the party hall. ( It’s hard to tolerate them.😶)

2) The Hoggers:-

These are the types of people who are always found discussing about food items. As soon as they enter the first thing they want to do is go and check the menu list. ( Like come on parties are not always for eating food.) If you are a foodie and you love food….rather make it at your home.😷

3) The Classy-Massy Prototypes:-

These are the types of people who make sure to look super classy and attractive wherein when they enter the party hall each and everybody literally slows down to just have a look at them from the top till the bottom. But, on the other hand, these are the only people who when open their mouths to talk they just fart (#their talks have no sense).

4) The Introverts:-

These are the kinds of people no matter how much you try but won’t get mixed up with you at all. And at last, you have to give up on convincing them.

5) The Drunkards:-

These are the kinds of people who just come to drink at parties. You will always find them sitting in a corner with a glass of wine or maybe champagne (whatever it be) and then later on these are the people who can give you lots and lots of entertainment.

6) The ShowOffs (#TheKewlDudes):-

These are the kinds of people who try so hard to look so cool but end up showing off. I sometimes feel bad for them and feel like hugging them and saying ” It’s OK you look miserable so just stop your business of showing off dude”. But then sometimes I prefer standing there and laughing because I am an adult and I make good decisions.✌🏼😁

7) The Hitchhiker:-

There is this serious question I have with people as these are the kinds of people who are always looking for rides home after the party. I would like to ask them “How did you end up there in the first place?”. It’s like you reach someone at the party and you forget how to go back home as you are always looking for riders to drop you back home. Sometimes it’s not bad to drop someone home but until and unless that person is stuck up or unable to go home.

Alright, guys, those were the types of people you and I will always find at parties. See you soon with yet another interesting topic. Till then goodbye.✋🏻

A relationship that matters you the most…

Hey guys, I am back with a new blog post. So let’s begin.

If you are happy in life right now, it’s not because everything about your life is necessarily going right, but because a relationship that really matters to you the most is going great. On the other hand, if you are unhappy in life right now, it’s not because everything about your life is going wrong, but because a relationship that really matters to you the most is not going great. Blessed are those who have understood that they should be loving people and using things and not loving things and using people.

People keep faith and say relationships have to be nurtured and developed. They grow on their own accord. But when a relationship is left neglected, the expectations shake the roots of relationships.

In a relationship, where there is substantial emotional reserve, mistakes will be tolerated and forgiven wherein the meaning will be understood even when communication is inadequate, and your intentions will be appreciated even if you fall short in your actions. In all, the relationship will be good because you are considered good. And you are considered good because of the deposits you made to build emotional reserves in that relationship.

But on the other hand, there are relationships that are taken for granted where nothing works to nurture the relationship. Expectations continue to rise, but the relationship still does not build up on the same continuity. The emotional reserves are overdrawn again and again.

In such a scenario, you will be held an offender for every work you do; every move of yours will be judged; verbal battles and slammed doors will become regular occurrences; neither of your actions and intentions will be appreciated or respected. Such a relationship is like walking on a minefield- it blows up any time and many times.

Hence, I would end here by saying that always choose a relationship that helps you earn happiness in life and always matters to you the most.

Pampering weakens you. Love creates you.

It seems, “the need to be loved” rather than “the need to be pampered” is the greatest craving. What’s the difference?. To a lot of people being loved means their loved ones should always be soft with them, always agree with what they say, never complain, never push them beyond their comfort zones…..basically leave them as they are and not show any signs of wanting to change them. Pampering is – love me only the way I want to be loved.

Love is not love that pampers. Love is love that makes a difference. Pampering weakens you. Love creates you.

No man is perfect. There is endless scope to improve. Except for those who love you, no one else cares about whether you improve or not. In the name of tolerance, pampering will leave you with imperfections. Even at the cost of hurting your ego, love will give you feedback to make a difference to you. Pampering works on your ego. Love works on you.

No man can always be right. Love vill act as a mirror and reflect to you – not as you want to be seen, but as you truly are. Pampering is a mere facade, wanting to appear nice. Love will take the risk of being mistaken and yet be a constructive critic.

The motivation level of most people is low. You need someone or something outside of J to push you. To demand – ‘Give more of yourself to life’ is an intense expression of love. Pampering is like boozing. It gives you a joyful evening, but nothing about you will change. Love is like meditation. Crave to be loved and to be created, and not to be pampered and allowed to stagnate.

Oh, my beloved! I say to you, “My love may not come to you in the packaging you want. However, my love serves a purpose. It will create you”.

By – Harshi Makani.