When was the last time I did something for the first time??

For most people, life is always in repetitive mode. Waking up at the same time, struggling in bed for a few minutes before getting up, brushing the same way, drinking the same coffee, reading the same newspaper, a time-bound bath, hurried breakfast, road rage on the way to work, gossip and lunch, same route back home, same mega serials, arguments, and compulsive dinner, crash out and wake up another time to another day for the same routine.

Life needn’t be mundane and boring. Life needn’t be a year’s experience repeated ‘n’ times. Life needn’t be an imposition. There’s more to life than existing.

Pursue a new challenge every year and see how exciting life can be. Let there not be a phase in your life when you aren’t enrolled as an active student. It could be music lessons, playing instruments, dance classes, alternative medicine, new fitness regimes and yoga, creative writing, public speaking, photography…..this list is truly endless. Choose any and remain an active student.

Always be an explorer of life. Keep experimenting. Keep trying. Attempt something that hasn’t been attempted before. Try out new cuisines. Wear clothes you are shy about wearing. Try a new hairstyle. Spend a day blindfolded. Switch roles at your workplace- how about MD at reception for a day?. Again the list goes endless. Keep going.

More than all your successes, achievements, and accomplishments, the formula to a lively life is to keep answering the question: When was the last time I did something for the first time?. Celebrate life. Spell life with L.I.F.E. Be excited to be alive.

By Harshi Makani

2 thoughts on “When was the last time I did something for the first time??

  1. Ya its true without do anything new in life then life become a boring firstly we should remove fear inside us to face any challenges


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